Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Message from Ron to Pheasant Members and potential new members

We had a great season last year up until December when winter started.
I hope everyone had plenty of hunting and opportunities to harvest birds. For those struggling to hit the birds last season, come join us on the clays course for "Ron's $1 Clinic"!!! Losing a dollar in the clinic sure improves your shooting or you can pay a dollar per missed bird which will work too.

The Membership seemed to work well last year with very few hitches. We will continue to limit the number of members. Keeping cost down while continuing to make improvements will always be our goal. The covers will be planted again, hopefully earlier then last year, with possibly more land being rented. As we grow and new members join we will have to implement a few new rules for everyone’s safety and enjoyment. All changes will be emailed and posted at the club. Please send us any comments, suggestions, or concerns you might have.

At this time we are staying with the 50 birds per member release from early October to mid December, depending on the weather. This worked well last year and there were always plenty of birds all over the property. Join early to beat any fee increase there may be. Renew your membership or join by June 1st and the price will be the same as last year and you will receive 10 birds released on request. After June 1st the dues will increase by $200.00; plus any bird cost increases with no exceptions. We haven't yet received the bird price for next year but anticipate costs remaining the same. Please send any balances due from the past season for extra birds, guests or other additional fees.

Remember by becoming a Pheasant Member you also receive a clays membership. Check the web site (vernonnational.com) periodically for upcoming events. We are planning to remodel part of the barn for increased clubhouse space. Any donations to this project would be appreciated. A receipt for tax purposes, which we can all use these days, will be supplied.

Let's all look forward to another FUN and MOST IMPORTANT SAFE YEAR!

Thanks to all from VNSP
Ron Acee

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