Thursday, September 10, 2009

Fall News for Vernon National Shooting Preserve

Hello Everyone!

The following is a list of upcoming events:

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12TH-The Buck Fever Shoot-100 bird NSCA Registered

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13TH - NRA Sponsored Ladies and Youth Day: ***VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!! - Clays instructors and safety guides*** Ladies of all ages and youth boys under 16 are invited to the 5th annual event. This is FREE!!!

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19TH - The Co-Ed Fun Shoot - 50 bird event (100 per team): Each team must be one male and one female. Guys bring your better half, daughter, mother or a good friend. Ladies bring your husband, father, son, or any guy that can shoot. There will be more details to come for this new fun shoot at VNSP. Ladies this will be a good chance to use what you learned at the NRA Day.

LESSON SPECIAL: We are continuing the special through the end of October; please call to schedule a time. Visit the comments page on our website to see what some of the students have to say. Price is $70 ($60 ladies and youths) per hour with targets included. Group specials are available.

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10TH - Fall Challenge - 100 bird NSCA Registered

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11TH: Flyer Shoot - Contact us for details.

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17TH - 5th Annual Smitty from the City Tower Shoot: Contact us for details

PRESERVE NEWS: Don't forget the preserve hunting season is now here!!! Book your hunt today or become a member for the full season and enjoy some of New York's finest bird hunting!!!

Rock Mt Harvest Blast (Sept 26-27); Great 2 day shoot at Rock Mountain Sporting Clays I have more details upon your request or visit their website; I am hopefully going and would like to see a nice showing from CNY, you won't regret attending a shoot at this facility.
